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杭州朗索医用消毒剂有限公司   分享到:


      Lionser Medical Disinfectant (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992. For the past 28 years, we have been focusing on the research and development, production and sales of medical disinfection products. We have successively developed and launched more than 50 types of disinfectant products, covering all aspects of nosocomial infection prevention, including hospital environment disinfection, surface disinfection, hand hygiene of medical personnel, wound and skin mucosa disinfection, cleaning and sterilization of medical devices, etc. Our disinfection products has been widely used and highly recognized in more than 80% of grade-A hospital of second class nationwide, which establishes its position in China’s sterilization and infection control industry.


上一篇:优唯斯(广州)安全防护用品有限公司    下一篇:上海三申医疗器械有限公司


            联系人:潘经理 先生              手 机/微 信:188-0182-3515                                  沪ICP备20019626号-7

           商务QQ : 916984268            E-mail : 916984267@qq.com

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